Notice of Audit (NOA) If you have arrived on this page before completing a Request for NOA form your submission will not save successfully. Please complete the Request for NOA form and use the link sent to your email. Fill out the all of the information below to ensure the review process is not delayed. If you need to come back to the form later, please click on the "Save and Return Later" at the bottom of the page to save your form. NOA Planning Tool DO NOT Submit this form until it is complete as it will not be available to edit once submitted. Proceed with your audit until the Notice of Audit (NOA) has been approved by SafetyDriven. Share the link to this form with others as is is unique to your company and this year's audit Approval or further inquiries will be sent, by email, to the auditor within 5 business days of receipt of the NOA. For questions please contact us at Company InformationIDWorkSafeBC Account #*Legal Name*(As Registered with WorkSafe BC)Trade Name/DBAAddress* Address City Province Postal Code List all Classification Units (CU’s) for this account If you are reporting additional Classification Units, please click on the (+) for more fields. List all Classification Units (CU’s) for this accountCU#*Is this CU included in the audit* Yes No +-Are you combining multiple WorkSafeBC Accounts in this Audit (Joint Audit) Yes No With a Joint Audit you are auditing multiple accounts which operate under a common management system. All sites for all accounts will be listed as locations in the Audit Scope section below. Please do not proceed with this section unless you have written confirmation from SafetyDriven that your organization has been approved for Joint Audit by WorkSafeBC. If you need to add more companies, please click on "Add Another Company for Joint Audit" for more fields. Other Joint Audit CompanyWorkSafeBC Account #*Legal Name (as registered with WorkSafeBC)*Trade Name/DBAAddress*City*Province*Postal Code*List all Classification Units (CU’s) for this account If you are reporting additional Classification Units, please click on the (+) for more fields. CU#*Is this CU included in the audit* Yes No +-Add Another Company for Joint AuditDelete CompanyYou can enter a maximum of 20 Other Joint Audit Companies to this Joint Audit.Company Contact InformationCompany ContactTitle/PositionPhoneEmail Auditor InformationAuditor Name*Auditor Number*Auditor Email* Auditor Phone*Auditor Type*Select Auditor TypeInternalInternal LeadStudentExternalExternal LeadAre there other auditors involved for this audit? Yes No Please include all certified or student auditors assisting with this audit Add Another Auditor to the teamAuditor NameAuditor NumberAuditor Email Auditor PhoneAudit TypeSelect Auditor TypeInternalExternalStudentAdd Another Audit to the teamDelete AuditorAudit TypeCertificationRecertificationMaintenance 1Maintenance 2WIVAStudent Evaluation (GapAudit ScopeOHS OnlyAudit TimelineAnticipated start date of on-site audit activities MM slash DD slash YYYY Anticipated end date of on-site audit activities MM slash DD slash YYYY Anticipated audit report submission date MM slash DD slash YYYY Company SizeTotal number of Employees*(Does not include Owner Operators or other contract staff)Total number of Employees*(Including Owner Operators or other contract staff)Minimum number of interviews required*Audit ScopeAll locations within the organization must be listed in this section. If the company has more than one location, please click on the (+) for more fields. Please ensure the Head Office is listed first and check the box for those locations that will be audited this year Location*Last Audit*Select AuditNew SiteLast Year2 Years3 or more years This site is being audited in this year Employee Count at SiteInterviews to be conducted at Site ManagerManager (Employee Count at Site)*Manager (Interviews to be conducted at Site)*SupervisorSupervisor (Employee Count at Site)*Supervisor (Interviews to be conducted at Site)*WorkerWorker (Employee Count at Site)*Worker (Interviews to be conducted at Site)*Add MoreDeleteTotalEmployee Count at SiteInterviews to be conducted at SiteManagerManager (Employee Count at Site)*Manager (Interviews to be conducted at Site)*SupervisorSupervisor (Employee Count at Site)*Supervisor (Interviews to be conducted at Site)*WorkerWorker (Employee Count at Site)*Worker (Interviews to be conducted at Site)*Signatures Company Management Representative (for internal and external audits)* I hereby acknowledge that I will provide true and accurate information to the auditor to the best of my abilities. Name*Title*Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Signature*External Auditor I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the SafetyDriven – Trucking Safety Council of British Columbia Auditor Code of Ethics. I have not received any economic benefit from OH&S consulting activities from this company in the 12 months preceding the audit. In addition, I am not in a position that could be interpreted as a conflict of interest. Name*Title*Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Signature*Internal Auditor/StudentLead Auditor* I hereby acknowledge that I will not violate the Auditor Code of Ethics during this audit and that I will do my best to be objective while conducting this audit. Name*Title*Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Signature* Please be SURE your form is complete BEFORE you click submit as you will not be able to edit the form after that. Once submitted the system will send you a copy of the information for your records If the form is incomplete or you need more time to gather information, please click the "Save and Return Later" button below. EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ