Webinar: The Mental Health Impact of Working From Home - Safety Driven - TSCBC
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Webinar: The Mental Health Impact of Working From Home

June 3, 2020 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

In collaboration with the Canadian Mental Health Association, Healthy Workplaces is inviting you to join our next webinar:

How has working from home impacted our mental health &
what coping strategies can employees undertake to cope with the mental health impact?

Leading this webinar is Jordan Friesen, National Director of Workplace Mental Health in The Canadian Mental Health Association

Jordan Friesen is the National Director, Workplace Mental Health with the Canadian Mental Health Association, currently leading their nationwide efforts to create psychologically healthy and safe work environments. As Canada’s most established, most extensive community mental health organization, CMHA provides millions of Canadians with the knowledge, tools, and skills they need to thrive. Jordan’s experience includes many roles within the mental health field including direct clinical service, education, organizational and program development, non-profit leadership and consulting. He holds a master of occupational therapy degree from the University of Manitoba.

When: Wednesday June 3

Time: 11 am Pacific Time / 2 pm Eastern Time

Meeting Details:

Meeting Link: 

Meeting number: 923 987 413

Password: ccs

Join by video system
Dial 923987413@cancer.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone
1-888-642-2128 Canada Toll Free
+1-647-484-7953 Canada Toll
Access code: 923 987 413

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June 3, 2020
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
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