Your Safety Challenges Solved
What is the difference between National Safety Code (NSC) and Occupational Health & Safety (OHS)?
The National Safety Code (NSC) is a set of safety standards for motor carriers, drivers, and vehicles operating in Canada.
Workplace and worksite safety for all employees, customers and visitors is regulated by the OHS. We can help you ensure you are living up to all relevant legislative requirements.
How do I get our employees to buy into safety?
There are a few things you can do to get active participation:
- Ask their help/opinion/advice as the experts in what they do and develop a safety program from their input
- Get them involved in inspections, hazard assessments, investigations
- Walk the “talk” and lead by example
- It’s OKAY not to know everything. That is what SafetyDriven is for!
How do I get my boss to buy into a safety program?
Management will consider any impact to productivity and operations. Try showing evidence of the following:
- Make everthing “reasonable”/doable
- Saving stats: Lower claim costs, less time loss, less employee turnover, increased morale.
- Due diligence (last resort)
How can we communicate with drivers who are always on the road?
Fortunately there are a number of way you can do this:
- Send emails
- Post on Safety Boards
- Attach info to pay stubs
- Ask their help/opinion/advice as the experts in what they do so that they feel needed
- Get them involved in inspections, hazard assessments