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The Wellness Summit

Connection happens here

Are you passionate about workplace wellness?
Join us at The Wellness Summit. Get inspired to explore fresh perspectives about workplace wellness and collaborate on what it takes to create a thriving organization.

Why attend
We know workplaces look a little different right now, but they’re still a powerful influence on personal well-being. That’s why this summit will focus on key areas to support your understanding of how psychological safety, inclusive cultures and mental health can impact and shape wellness in the workplace.

Working together, we can challenge current models and embrace a leadership approach to successfully achieve workplace wellness—enhancing employee engagement and productivity and creating sustainable organizations.

What you’ll learn
How action-oriented self-management strategies that directly impact mood, thoughts and behaviours can be used to enhance employee mental health.
How to put design thinking to work in a health and wellness setting.
How a healthy culture and inclusive leadership supports employee well-being and performance.

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